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Can I File Income Tax Return Without Form 16?

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Although Form 16 is the first thing you need to file your ITR, but if you don’t have one, then you can fetch details of your TDS from Form 26AS.

Picture for representation. (Getty Images)
There are times when you don’t get a Form 16 from your current or previous employer; so how do you file an Income Tax Return without the quintessential Form 16?

Although Form 16 is the first thing you need to file your ITR, but if you don’t have one, then you can fetch details of your TDS from Form 26AS. This form is available on the official e-filing portal of Government of India – All you have to do is – login to the e-filing portal with your registered User Id and Password and click on Form 26AS from the left sidebar to get details.

Once you get Tax Deducted at Source aka TDS details from Form 26AS, your next step should be to collect all your payslips for the financial year 2017-18, starting from 1st April 2018 to 30th March 2018. Your payslips will help you in determining your Taxable Income. In case of no TDS or less Tax Deducted at Source in Form26AS, you must contact your employer immediately and get things rectified.

Next, find out what deductions are you eligible for. If you are paying rent, do not forget to claim HRA. If HRA is not part of your salary slip, but you pay rent and do not own a house or receive rental income then you can show your rent agreement and claim deduction as per the following calculation (whichever is least):
(i) Rent paid less 10% of total income
(ii) 25% of the total income
(iii) Rs.5,000/- per month

Claim other deductions like PPF, EPF, Life Insurance premium, Health Insurance Premium, Interest on Home Loan, Principal Repayment of Home Loan, Interest on Education Loan, etc.

Show income from other sources like interest on savings account, long term capital gain (LTCG), interest on FDs, gains from shares and mutual funds, etc. Club income of your spouse or children, if applicable.

Now compare your Income Tax Calculation with Form 26AS to find out whether you have Tax Payable or you
are eligible to get a Tax Refund.

If you figure out ‘Tax Payable’ then pay applicable outstanding tax through Challan 280 (Payment of Income Tax and Corporate Tax) in Tax Information Network (TIN) of Income Tax Department – Select (0021) Income Tax (Other than Companies) and enter required information. Pay Tax through Net Banking or Debit Card and complete the tax payment process.

However, if your Form 26AS matches with your tax calculation and there’s no due or better yet there’s a tax refund, then happily move on to e-file your ITR by selecting the applicable form viz ITR 1, 2, 3 or 4. Fill all details and e-verify your Income Tax Return for FY2017-18.

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| Edited by: Ahona Sengupta

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Source: News18